Building Healthy Communities
The social, emotional, and mental wellbeing of our students is central to their capacity to learn, grow and thrive. The Building Healthy Communities ongoing event series aims to provide adults and youth with information and tools essential to navigating the unique pathways of youth development with confidence.
Sleeping Well as Prevention for Youth Suicide
Join us for an engaging virtual presentation with renowned psychologist Tina R. Goldstein, Ph.D., as she delves into the crucial topic of adolescent sleep health and its impact on mental well-being. Discover the latest research on how addressing sleep difficulties can significantly reduce suicide risk among youth, and gain valuable insights into assessing and treating these issues effectively.
Topics that will be covered include:
Understanding the connection between sleep disturbance and youth suicide risk.
Exploring why prioritizing sleep health is vital for preventing youth suicide.
Learning practical approaches to identify and address sleep problems in adolescents.
Exploring evidence-based treatment options for improving sleep quality in youth.
This presentation will NOT be recorded. Please make plans to join us live at 6 pm on Thursday, March 21, 2024.
Missed one of our previous events?
Watch the Spanish recording of our Building Healthy Communities: Strengthening Relationships During Challenging Times Webinar that took place on February 24, 2022
Watch the English recording of our Building Healthy Communities: Strengthening Relationships During Challenging Times Webinar that took place on February 24, 2022
Watch the English recording of our Building Healthy Communities: Understanding Youth Suicide Webinar that took place on December 9th, 2021