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Justice-Engaged Student Support

Adams 12 Five Star Schools is dedicated to ensuring that every student, including those involved with the juvenile or criminal justice system, has access to equitable educational opportunities. Adams 12 recognizes the unique challenges faced by justice-engaged students and has implemented various supports to address their needs. 

Designated Point-of-Contact

For support regarding alternative education options and services for justice-engaged students, please contact:

Lori Bailey
Director of Student Engagement Initiatives
Adams 12 Five Star Schools
1500 E. 128th Ave., Thornton, CO 80241
(720) 972-4150

Justice-engaged youth have the right to a graduation and promotion plan, appropriate credit for coursework completed while justice-engaged, and prompt enrollment or re-enrollment following a request. Once a student is eligible to enroll, the school, with the support of the District’s designated point-of-contact listed above, will help ensure a pathway to graduation and access to mental health support if appropriate and available. Examples of support include, but are not limited to:

  • Support from a Student Engagement Specialist and/or a Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist 
  • Academic: College and Career Planning, plan to support credit acquisition towards graduation, consultation for additional academic supports (as needed)
  • Mental Health: School-based or referral to outside providers
  • Alternative programming options and alternative solutions to a comprehensive school